PRICING NOTICE: Metal Bulletin to revise normalisation ranges for 62%, 58% Fe iron ore indices

Metal Bulletin is proposing to make some adjustments to the normalisation ranges for the 62% Fe and 58% Fe iron ore indices.

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Metal Bulletin is proposing to make some adjustments to the normalisation ranges for the 62% Fe and 58% Fe iron ore indices.

The aim of the planned changes is to better reflect and capture the changing material entering the iron ore spot market.

The proposed changes only affect the normalisation ranges for the two indices, and will allow for more spot material to be considered in the index calculation.

The base specification of the indices will stay unchanged.

The iron ore spot market is constantly developing and Metal Bulletin reviews its specifications on a regular basis. This is to ensure that our unique normalisation process represents the wide range of material being seen on the spot market.

The proposed specification changes to the normalisation ranges are outlined in the linked document.

For comments and queries, please contact the Metal Bulletin index team by Friday September 6, 2013, 12pm London time.

Email or phone +44 (0)20 7827 6482.

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