PRICING NOTICE: Changes to product specifications for Latin America export slab

Following a consultation period with market participants which ended on July 2, Metal Bulletin will change the specifications of Latin America’s slab export price for future market price assessments.

The price specification will be changed as follows:

Description: Brazil export slab, $ per tonne fob main port
Dimensions: Width 750-2,100mm, thickness 200-300mm
Quantity: 20,000-70,000 tonnes
Location: fob Brazil
Timing: 8-12 weeks
Unit: US$ per tonne
Payment terms: Payment on delivery
Publication: Weekly, Friday, 2-3pm London time

The Latin America export slab $ per tonne fob main port series will be discontinued and replaced with the new one.

If you have any comments about this change, or would like to contribute to this price assessment, please contact Ana Paula Camargo by email to: Please add the subject heading FAO: Ana Paula Camargo.

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