PRICING NOTICE: Metal Bulletin launches Chinese domestic market zinc concentrate TCs

Metal Bulletin today launches two zinc spot concentrate treatment charge (TC) assessments, delivered to North China and delivered to South China.

After a consultation period, Metal Bulletin has launched two TC assessments to cover the Chinese domestic zinc concentrate market. The two prices will individually cover the delivered spot market treatment charges for domestically produced Chinese zinc concentrates for northern and southern China. Both will be denominated in yuan per tonne. 

The North China price and South China price will be published on the last Friday of every month, on the same day as the Chinese spot market for imported zinc concentrates and the accompanying TCs ($/tonne).

China, the world’s largest commodities consumer, is largely self-sufficient in zinc – a metal used largely to galvanize steel and other metals to protect them from corrosion.

Chinese domestic concentrate TCs are increasingly a key tracking element in the zinc market where smelting economics are under the microscope more than ever.

The two delivered domestic concentrate prices will complement Metal Bulletin’s coverage of the zinc concentrates market and the Chinese zinc industry, often the first area of the value chain to react to shifts in supply and demand fundamentals.

If you have any comments about the new indices or wish to find out more about ways of contributing to the price discovery process, please contact Echo Ma and Archie Hunter by email at: Please add the subject heading FAO: Echo Ma / Archie Hunter, re: Zinc spot concentrate Treatment Charge (TC) dlvd North China yuan per tonne / Zinc spot concentrate Treatment Charge (TC) dlvd South China yuan per tonne.

See all Metal Bulletin pricing methodology and specification documents on the Metal Bulletin website.

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