Fastmarkets seeks feedback on Manila steel billet price assessment for Iosco audit

Fastmarkets invites feedback on its Manila steel billet import price assessment as part of an annual methodology review process, in compliance with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (Iosco) principles for price reporting agencies

This consultation, which will be open until March 15, 2022, seeks to ensure that our methodology continues to reflect the physical market for our MB-STE-0141 steel billet import, cfr Manila price assessment. This includes all elements of our pricing process, our price specifications and publication frequency.

To provide feedback on this annual review of the price assessment for steel billet import, cfr Manila or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to this price, please contact Lee Allen/Paul Lim by email at

Please add the subject heading “FAO: Lee Allen/Paul Lim re: annual methodology review of Fastmarkets Manila Steel Billet Price.”

Please specify whether your response is confidential. Opinions offered in confidential responses may be referenced but will not be attributed in any way.

Fastmarkets will publish the outcome of this methodology review by March 18, including all feedback unless noted as confidential. Any proposal to make material changes, discontinue or launch prices will involve a separate market consultation, the length of which will depend on how substantial the change would be.

To see all of Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, go to

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