Coverage Note: Random Lengths to consider reporting prices for Appearance Grade premium 2×4 8-foot

Random Lengths is seeking industry feedback on whether to report prices for Appearance Grade premium 2×4 8-foot in certain species.

Based on research to date, Random Lengths is starting this consultation proposing to add prices for Appearance Grade 2×4 8-foot in Western S-P-F, Eastern S-P-F, and dry Douglas Fir. However, other species may be considered if it can be determined that there is enough market information to warrant pricing them.

The decision on reporting these prices will depend in large part on industry support, and a willingness of both buyers and sellers to take part in the weekly price assessment process.

For comments and queries, please send email to: Comments must be submitted by the end of the business day February 10.

For other Random Lengths Coverage Notes please see:

For more information on Random Lengths assessment methodology, please see:

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