RANDOM LENGTHS: A couple of price guide changes coming in May

Random Lengths will move forward on a couple of minor changes to the Lumber and Panel Price Guides, while holding back on its proposal to start reporting Southern Pine MSR prices.

In the Lumber Price Guide, in the shop and Mldg&Btr section, we will clarify a footnote for Ponderosa Pine Moulding 1-5/16-inch (LCSD) and 1-9/16-inch (LCSE), indicating that reported prices for loadings of these items do not include 15-20% C&Btr. This change will take effect with the May 6 lumber report.

In the Panel Price Guide, in the Canadian plywood section, we will add a footnoted adder for tongue-and-groove finishing for Spruce plywood, similar to the current footnote under the block of Canadian Douglas Fir plywood prices. This change will be reflected in the May 7 panel report.

Based on industry feedback, we will not at this time add Southern Pine MSR prices to the lumber guide. These prices would have reflected f.o.b. mill prices for 2400f 2×4 and 2×6 produced in the eastside zone. Industry feedback was mostly against or ambivalent toward reporting these prices, so we have decided to table the proposal. 

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