Early publication of US rebar prices

The publication of Fastmarkets’ US rebar prices took place earlier than scheduled on Wednesday March 22 due to a reviewer error.

According to Fastmarkets’ methodology, the data collection window for these prices normally closes at 4pm New York time, with the prices published no earlier than 4pm and no later than 5pm.

The specifications for the affected prices are as follows:

MB-STE-0170 Steel reinforcing bar (rebar), fob mill US, $/cwt Quality: Grade 60, No5. ASTM A615 and equivalent. Size #5
Quantity: Min 500 tons
Location: fob Midwest mill
Unit: USD per hundredweight
Publication: Weekly, Wednesday
Notes: Raw materials surcharges included

MB-STE-0171 Steel reinforcing bar (rebar), import, loaded truck Port of Houston for immediate delivery, $/short tonQuality: Commercial-quality reinforcing bars within standard tolerances. ASTM A615 and equivalent. Size #5
Quantity: Min 25 tons
Location: ddp loaded truck Port of Houston for immediate delivery
Unit: USD per short ton
Publication: Weekly, Wednesday

To provide feedback on the early publication of these prices, or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to the US rebar prices, please contact Grace Asenov by email at pricing@fastmarkets.com. Please add the subject line: FAO: Grace Asenov, re: US rebar prices.

To see all of Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, go to https://www.fastmarkets.com/methodology.

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