Decision to discontinue two inferred chromite price assessments

Fastmarkets will discontinue its fortnightly, inferred price assessments for MB-CHR-0004 chromite, foundry, 45.8% Cr2O3 min, wet bulk, fob South Africa, $/tonne (inferred) and MB-CHR-0006 chromite, refractory grade, 46% Cr2O3 min, wet bulk, fob South Africa, $/tonne (inferred) on Wednesday December 27, 2023.

Fastmarkets’ decision follows a six-week consultation, launched on November 8 and ending on December 19, as preliminary discussions with the market and interrogation of existing data collected by Fastmarkets suggested these prices do not reflect the wider market.

Feedback received from the market supported the decision to discontinue.

The affected prices are:

MB-CHR-0004 Chromite, foundry, 45.8% Cr2O3 min, wet bulk, fob South Africa, $/tonne (inferred)

MB-CHR-0006 Chromite, refractory grade, 46% Cr2O3 min, wet bulk, fob South Africa, $/tonne (inferred)

These prices were part of the Fastmarkets Industrial Minerals package.

All short-term forecasts associated with these prices produced by the Fastmarkets research team, if any, have also been discontinued.

Fastmarkets will continue to publish its other fortnightly price assessments for chromite, including MB-CHR-0005 chromite, foundry, 46% Cr2O3 min, wet bulk, fob South Africa, which is the underlying price on which the two inferred prices were based.

If you have any comments on the discontinuation of these prices, please contact Claire Patel-Campbell by email at: Please add the subject heading “FAO: Claire Patel-Campbell, re: chromite prices.”

Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to

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