Exchange partner terms
Fastmarkets products may include data or content from third party providers, including stock exchanges, trading platforms or equivalent exchange regulated market (an “Exchange Partner”), with such data or content being known as “Exchange Data.”

If you choose to access or use any Exchange Data in any way as part of your subscription with Fastmarkets, your use of the Fastmarkets service is subject to the following terms.

You agree to comply with all applicable terms & conditions of the relevant Exchange Partner (the “Exchange Terms”). You agree that the Exchange Partner has third party rights under the agreement(s) between you and Fastmarkets in relation to compliance with the Exchange Terms. Those Exchange Terms may be supplied to you within the service or directly by the relevant Exchange Partner. From time to time, we may required to provide client contact details to our Exchange Partner to the extent that they need such details in order to enable them to execute their contractual responsibilities.

You must obtain all prior approval for control and redistribution of data, content, or services from any Exchange Partner. You are responsible for any and all costs and fees associated with agreements entered into with any such Exchange Partner. If an Exchange Partner ceases to make its service available to Fastmarkets or requires Fastmarkets to suspend or terminate the provision of all or any part of its services to you, or if Fastmarkets terminates its arrangements with the Exchange Partner, then Fastmarkets may suspend or terminate that part of its data or services immediately without notice or further obligation to you.

A complete list of our current Exchange Partners and links to their terms are listed below;

London Metal Exchange –

Chicago Mercantile Exchange –

Intercontinental Exchange –

Let us know how we can help. Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.