Global Timberland Ownership and Investment Database

The industry’s most complete data source for timberland ownership, investment, and sales to help you understand the global timberland investment market.

The Global Timberland Ownership and Investment Database is a 3-part reference guide for timberland ownership, investment, and sales:

Global Forest Ownership Database

  • Information about the ownership of more than 570 million acres (230 million hectares) of timberland assets worldwide.
    Details of forest ownership by plantations in Latin America, North America, Oceania, Africa and Asia.
    Searchable database of some forest ownership in more than 80 countries.

Global Forest Ownership Review

  • Global overview of ownership of the Top 10 Global TIMOs.
    Brief profiles of more than 500 timberland owners in North America, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, Asia and Africa.

International Timberland Transaction Database

  • Details about more than 360 timberland transactions outside of North America
    (to complement Fastmarkets Forest Products’ North American Timberland Transactions Database)

How Can the Global Timberland Ownership and Investment Database Help You?

  • Gain a competitive understanding of who is investing where.
  • Incorporate forest ownership patterns in each country into your analysis and strategy
  • Compare potential investments across countries and regions
  • Keep track of notable transactions and potential shifts in the market

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What’s happening in the forest products market today?

Prices for recycled fiber-based containerboard (RCCM) in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region experienced minor changes in January, with locally produced testliner and fluting stable or slightly lower compared with December, against the expectations of Fastmarkets contacts. Fastmarkets’ PIX Testliner GCC index edged down by $2.88 per tonne, or 0.60%, to close at $473.92 per […]

A 30-day delay in implementation of tariffs on Canadian shipments to the US reset recent trends in framing lumber markets. Sales picked up in most regions and species, but higher quotes early in the week retreated nearer to last week’s levels. Western S-P-F sales were mixed, but several secondaries reported their strongest days of the […]

The new US trade tariffs threaten the fragile global trade balance and risks reigniting inflation.

Fastmarkets will launch a FP-CBB-0115 coated ivory board, 250g/m2, Chinese exports to Southeast Asia FOB price assessment on February 28.

Fastmarkets is inviting feedback from the industry on the pricing methodology for its PIX Pulp Europe (gross) and PIX Pulp China (net) indices as part of its announced annual methodology review process.

Fastmarkets is inviting feedback from the industry on the pricing methodology for the PIX Sawn Timber Pine FAS Finland and PIX Sawn Timber Spruce FAS Finland indices, including their sub-indices, as part of its announced annual methodology review process.

Access our expert insights into the outlook for the Asian paper packaging market in 2025, including insights into the projected growth in containerboard demand across the region.

Access an excerpt of the weekly Fastmarkets Random Lengths Lumber Report, featuring insights into key lumber market movements.

Read our outlook on the North American paper packaging market, including the reasons behind price increases and the impact of changes to trade and tariffs.

Learn about the impact China’s consumer products trade-in program has had on packaging demand, with the policy set to continue in 2025.