Clarification of methodology for South Europe export steel wire rod assessment

Fastmarkets wishes to clarify details around the following aspects of the pricing methodology for MB-STE-0074 steel wire rod export, fob main port Southern Europe.

Fastmarkets’ Southern European export steel wire rod assessment has reflected since launch, and continues to reflect, material exported from Italy, Spain and Portugal. The Southern European export steel wire rod assessment does not reflect Greek-origin exports.

The pricing methodology has been updated as follows to clarify the export locations (changes in italics):

MB-STE-0074 Steel wire rod export, fob main port Southern Europe, €/tonne
Quality: BS 4449: 2005 grade B500A, standard diameter 5.5mm
Quantity: 500-5,000 tonnes
Location: fob Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal)
Timing: 4-8 weeks
Unit: EUR/tonne
Publication: Weekly. Wednesday, by 2-3pm London time

The specifications are otherwise unchanged.

You can find the updated methodology for Southern Europe export steel wire rod here:

To provide feedback on this clarification for the Southern Europe export steel wire rod/assessment methodology please contact India-Ines Levy by email at: Please add the subject heading “FAO: India-Ines Levy, re: Southern Europe export steel wire rod/assessment”

Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to

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