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Effective January 2019, RISI will change the way in which US pulp price assessments are databased to add greater transparency to our assessment processes.
Currently, RISI publishes a preliminary price for contract pulp mid-month and a final price on the second to last business day of the month. The second price generally overwrites the first in the database, leaving only one monthly price in the historical time series.
Going forward, RISI will maintain the preliminary price in the database, so that the historical time series shows two prices a month. A footnote will be added to make clear that the mid-month price is a preliminary price and is superseded by the end-month price.
The following price series will be affected.
Price ID Series Name
163 Canadian Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft, delivered US East
164 US Southern Bleached Softwood Kraft, delivered US East
11851 Canadian/US Northern and Southern Mixed Bleached Hardwood Kraft, delivered US East
219 Brazilian Bleached Hardwood Kraft (Eucalyptus), delivered US East
168 Canadian/US Unbleached softwood kraft, delivered US East
171 Fluff (US southern kraft, untreated softwood rolls), delivered US East
172 Deinked pulp (US air-dried and wet-lap), delivered US East
488 Canadian Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft, CIF Japan
489 US Southern Bleached Softwood Kraft, CIF Japan
490 Canadian/US Northern and Southern Mixed Bleached Hardwood Kraft, CIF Japan
533 Canadian Northern bleached softwood kraft, CIF Korea
699 Canadian Northern bleached softwood kraft, CIF China
For comments or queries, please email, mentioning “US pulp databasing” in the subject line of the email.
For more information on RISI’s methodology for Global pulp markets, please see here.
For other RISI coverage notes please see here.