COVERAGE NOTE: Proposed changes to European sack kraft paper coverage

As part of an ongoing effort to ensure our price assessments best fit the markets we cover, Fastmarkets RISI proposes adjusting its quarterly assessment for sack kraft in Europe to report one price per quarter and ending the reporting of retroactive prices.

Fastmarkets RISI has analyzed price trends over the last five years and believes the current liquidity and volatility in the European sack kraft market does not warrant retroactive monthly pricing. These changes would likely take place from January 2020.

We are seeking feedback from stakeholders on the timing of the assessments, for example whether they should be published in the last month of the quarter or the first month of the quarter. In each case, the assessments would reflect prevailing market prices at the time of publication and would be databased under the month of publication.

To respond to this proposal, please email by Sept. 30, 2019, mentioning “European sack kraft” in the subject line of the email.

For more information on RISI’s methodology for European sack kraft markets, please see here.