COVERAGE NOTE: Proposed OCC Price Assessments for Export/Import to China – Consultation

In light of China’s planned 0.5% contaminant limit rule on imports of all recovered paper, RISI is considering the following proposal to expand its OCC coverage:

PPI Pulp & Paper Week:

– Launch new price assessments for US exports of Double-Sorted OCC to China FAS US ports

PPI Asia:

– Launch new price assessments for US exports of Double-Sorted OCC CIF main ports in China.

Double-Sorted OCC is grade No. 12 in the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) specifications.

Furthermore, RISI is seeking feedback on changing the destination of US OCC (11) assessments in PPI Pulp & Paper Week FAS US ports from China to Asia (Price IDs 1304, 1298, 1299, 1320), as well as discontinuing CFR China assessments (Price IDs 1042 and 1029).

RISI has contacted the ISRI to request clarification on the definition of “Select” OCC (11), specifically what the specifications of “Select” OCC (11) would be and whether it should be treated as a separate grade to standard OCC.

In the meantime, RISI will continue to reflect “Select” OCC (11) prices in our assessments of OCC (11) from the US to China.

Related to this, RISI is also proposing to remove the term “Select” from price assessments for exports of OCC (11) from New York/New Jersey CFR Nhava Sheva, India so that these assessments would simply reflect OCC (11) (Price ID 1159).

Feedback is also welcome on whether to discontinue assessments in PPI Asia of OCC (11) from the US CIF main ports in China (Price ID 612), and to add new assessments for OCC imports elsewhere in Asia.

The timeline for the proposed change has yet to be fixed.

RISI will communicate further on this following consultation with stakeholders. Please send comments to, indicating “OCC to Asia Assessments” in the subject line of the email, by the end of April 2018.

For other RISI Coverage Notes please visit:

For more information on RISI’s assessment methodology, please visit