Coverage Note: Random Lengths to report AG 2×4 8-foot prices

Random Lengths has made final its decision on reporting Appearance Grade 2×4 8-foot in certain species. Effective with the April 3, 2020 issue, prices of Appearance Grade 2×4 8-foot in Western S-P-F, Coast dry Douglas Fir, and Inland Hem-Fir will be added to the stud section on page 5 of the 14-page weekly report. This product will reflect premium grade stock, allowing for limited pencil wane.

These prices are being added after an extensive industry consultation found that a majority of the industry wants benchmark pricing for this sector of the market. An initial proposal to include Eastern S-P-F was dropped, after finding there was insufficient support from the industry to track this product in this species.

We would like to thank all who commented on these proposed changes both verbally and in writing.

For comments and queries, please email:

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