FREE WEB SEMINAR: How Metal Bulletin prices illiquid markets – minors and alloys

Metal Bulletin is hosting a free web seminar on Tuesday September 12 at 9:30am London time to discuss how it assesses prices in illiquid alloys and minor metals markets.

Tuesday September 12

9:30am London time

Join our global price reporting team for an insight into:

– Price discovery in illiquid markets: cobalt, vanadium and tellurium as case studies
– How transactions, bids, offers and assessments influence price assessments in illiquid markets
– Regional variations in vanadium prices: Europe and China

Fleur Ritzema, global ores, alloys and minors editor
Shivani Singh, Asia editor
Charlotte Radford, correspondent

Click here to register for the free web seminar.

The interactive web seminar will include an opportunity to submit questions or comments to the speakers. If you have any questions about Metal Bulletin’s pricing and coverage of illiquid markets – including those not covered in the case studies mentioned above – please send them in advance to Charlotte Radford at

Unable to attend? Register now and you’ll be able to listen to the recorded web seminar after it finishes.