Mexican car output, exports rise in July

Mexico’s car sector produced 238,146 units in July, 17.7% more than in the same month in 2011, according to domestic automotive association Amia.

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Vehicle output hit a record high for the January-July period, totalling 1.65 million units, up by 13.4% from 1.45 million units in the same period last year, Amia said.

Exports hit 208,151 units in July, 5.8% higher than the 196,826 cars exported in the same month of 2011.

For the January-July period, exports hit a record high of 1.38 million cars, up by 13.6% year-on-year, according to the Amia figures.

Exports in the first six months of 2012 to the USA reached 881,853 cars, up by 11.3%.

In July this year, 67.7% of the vehicles exported went to the USA, Mexico’s main trading partner, compared with 64.4% in July 2011.

Mexican exports to Latin America fell by 7.5% in July compared with the same month last year.

Exports to Africa reached 2,431 units, 650% higher than in the same month 2011.

Sales to Asia rose by 145% to 5,744 units, while exports to Europe rose by 7.6% to 19,955 units.