PRICING NOTICE: Correction to pricing rationale of Fastmarkets’ cobalt alloy grade price, in-whs Rotterdam

Fastmarkets has corrected the pricing rationale for MB-CO-0004 - cobalt alloy grade, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lb, which was published incorrectly on Wednesday September 8 due to a reporting team error.

One bid of $23.80/lb, which was reported by a seller, was incorrectly reported at $24.80/lb.

Fastmarkets’ rationale database has been updated to reflect this change. There is no change to the final assessment which remains as originally published at $23.70-24.60/lb on September 8.

For more information or to provide feedback on this correction notice or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to this index, please contact Dalila Ouerghi by email at Please add the subject heading ‘FAO: Dalila Ouerghi re: Cobalt daily assessment.’

To see all Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents go to