PRICING NOTICE: Discontinuation of Latin America rebar export price assessment

Fastmarkets has discontinued its weekly assessments of the Latin America rebar export price, which was reported on a dollar per tonne fob main port basis, with effect from Friday March 15.

After a consultation period lasting two months, Fastmarkets has discontinued its weekly assessments after receiving feedback that there was now limited spot liquidity in the market for this material, with most volumes being traded between parties within the same corporate parent group.

If you have any comments on the discontinuation of this price, please contact Felipe Peroni by email at Please add the subject heading ‘FAO: Felipe Peroni, re: Latin America rebar export price.’

All historical data relating to this price prior to its discontinuation will remain available in the pricing section of the Fastmarkets website.

To see all Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, go to