PRICING NOTICE: Extension of consultation to discontinue 5 precious metals prices

Fastmarkets is extending until October 15 the consultation period for its proposal to discontinue five of its precious metals prices.

Fastmarkets made this decision because the responses received to date have identified a need to conduct more in-depth consultation into the usage of and need for these prices.

The prices being proposed for discontinuation are as follows:

Platinum min 99.9% Europe Free Market $ per troy oz in warehouse
Palladium min 99.9% Europe Free Market $ per troy oz in warehouse
Rhodium min 99.9% Europe Free Market $ per troy oz in warehouse
Iridium ingot min 99.9% Europe Free Market $ per troy oz in warehouse
Ruthenium min 99.9% Europe Free Market $ per troy oz in warehouse

The consultation period for this proposal was due to end on October 1 but has been extended by two weeks to allow this further engagement of the market to take place.

To provide feedback on these prices or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to these prices, please contact Please add the subject heading ‘FAO: Mary Higgins, re: precious metals.’

To see all Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, please go to

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