PRICING NOTICE: Metal Bulletin’s European molybdic oxide specification

Metal Bulletin prices European molybdenum as per the specifications published by the Minor Metals Trade Association.

Metal Bulletin prices European molybdic oxide as per the specifications published by the Minor Metals Trade Association.

Metal Bulletin drummed molybdic oxide price, free market, Europe, min 57% Mo, $ per Ib Mo, 1st or Western grade, in-warehouse Rotterdam

Price: $ per lb molybdenum, in-warehouse Rotterdam
Molybdenum: 57% min.
Cu: 0.5% max.
S: 0.1% max.
P: 0.05% max.
Pb: 0.05% max.
C: 0.1% max.
All other elements should each be 0.10% max, with the exception of Si, which should be 6% max.
Form: Sandy powder (0-4 mm)
Lot size: minimum 10-tonne lots (+/- 2%)
Payment terms: cash, other payment terms normalised
Assessment: on Wednesdays and Fridays by Metal Bulletin’s London office, except when that office is closed for public holidays. Such times will be notified well in advance.
Publication: between 2pm and 3pm London time on Wednesdays and Fridays

If you have any questions or comments to make on the specification for ferro-molybdenum and molybdic oxide, please email reporter Claire Hack at