PRICING NOTICE: Proposal to update Metal Bulletin’s base metal premiums

In consultation with the market, Metal Bulletin is proposing to make changes to some of its base metal premium assessments from Monday October 13.

In consultation with the market, Metal Bulletin is proposing to make changes to some of its base metal premium assessments from Monday October 20.

The assessment of some numbers will continue on the same basis; the frequency of assessment of some other numbers will change from daily to weekly; the specification of some premiums will change; and some other assessments will be dropped altogether.

Metal Bulletin’s base metal premiums are listed below.

In cases where changes are proposed, we note the proposed changes.

In cases where assessments will continue as before we note that too.

Please respond to Metal Bulletin editor Alex Harrison ( with any comments on these proposed changes by Friday October 18.

Copper premiums
MB copper premium Rotterdam: will continue to be assessed daily on an in-warehouse basis
MB copper premium Shanghai: will continue to be assessed daily on an in-warehouse basis
MB copper premium Leghorn: will be assessed weekly on a cif Leghorn basis on Monday
MB copper premium Singapore: will be assessed weekly in-warehouse on Thursday
MB copper premium Gwangyang: will be replaced with a weekly cif Korea number assessed weekly on Thursday
MB copper premium Busan: will be replaced with a weekly cif Korea number assessed weekly on Thursday
MB copper premium Johor: will be assessed weekly in-warehouse on Thursday
MB copper premium Hamburg: will be dropped
MB free market US high-grade cathode premium indicator: will continue to be published by American Metal Market
Copper Grade 1 Chinese cif Taiwan premium indicator: will be dropped

Aluminium premiums
MB aluminium premium Rotterdam duty-unpaid: will continue to be assessed daily
MB aluminium premium Rotterdam duty-paid H/G cash and three months: will continue to be assessed twice weekly, on Wednesdays and Fridays
MB aluminium billet premium Rotterdam: will continue to be assessed twice weekly, on Wednesdays and Fridays
MB aluminium premium Gwangyang: will be assessed weekly as a cif Korea price on Tuesday
MB aluminium premium Singapore: will be assessed weekly on an in-warehouse basis on Tuesday
MB aluminium premium Shanghai: will be assessed weekly on Tuesday
MB aluminium premium cif Japan main ports: will be assessed weekly on Tuesday
MB aluminium premium Johor: will be assessed weekly on Tuesday
Cif Japan 99.7% duty unpaid premium indicator quarterly: will continue to be published
US midwest aluminium premium: will continue to be assessed by American Metal Market
Brazil domestic aluminium premium: will continue to be assessed on Thursday

Lead premiums
MB lead premium Rotterdam (min 99.97%): this dollar-based in-warehouse premium will be assessed weekly on Tuesday
MB European free-market premium (min 99.97% lead): the euro-based in-warehouse premium will be assessed weekly on a Tuesday. Given developments in technology and usage, Metal Bulletin is considering modifying the specification of this premium to a 99.985% min battery-grade
Connector lead (average): will continue to be supplied by Eurobat
European industrial battery premium in-warehouse Rotterdam free market (Eurobat) stand-by refined or soft lead (average) € per tonne: will continue to be supplied by Eurobat
European industrial battery premium in-warehouse Rotterdam free market (Eurobat) traction refined or soft lead (average) € per tonne: will continue to be supplied by Eurobat
Lead Metal Ca/Ca grid lead (average) € per tonne: will continue to be supplied by Eurobat
Lead metal soft lead (average) € per tonne: will continue to be supplied by Eurobat
MB US high-grade ingot premium indicator: will continue to be published by American Metal Market
MB lead premium Singapore: will be assessed weekly on a Thursday
MB lead premium Shanghai: will be dropped

Zinc premiums
MB zinc premium Rotterdam: will be assessed weekly on Wednesday
MB zinc premium Gwangyang: will be renamed for South Korea and assessed weekly on Thursday
MB zinc premium Johor: will be assessed weekly on Thursday
MB zinc premium Singapore: will be assessed weekly on Thursday
MB zinc premium Shanghai: will be assessed weekly on Thursday
MB zinc European free market, fca Rotterdam, duty-paid: will be assessed weekly on Wednesday
MB zinc UK delivered monthly average price: will continue to be assessed periodically through the month and published on the first business day of the next month
MB US: special high-grade: will continue to be published to American Metal Market

Nickel premiums
Metal Bulletin will continue its assessment of in-warehouse Rotterdam premiums for uncut cathodes, 4×4 cathodes and briquettes, but henceforth these prices will be assessed on a weekly basis every Tuesday.
Metal Bulletin will continue its assessment of premiums for full-plate nickel on an in-warehouse Shanghai basis, weekly on a Thursday.
The generic daily nickel premiums for Rotterdam and Singapore will be dropped.
The US melting and plating premium indicator will continue to be assessed by American Metal Market.

Tin premiums
Metal Bulletin will continue its assessment of tin premiums but will do so weekly on Fridays.

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