Trade log September 2019: Cobalt

Cobalt trade log including business, bids and offers reported to Fastmarkets.

Unless otherwise stated, all prices are per lb on an in-warehouse (in-whs) basis. Delivered prices are netted back.

Fastmarkets prices 
Click here for Fastmarkets’ price assessment for standard-grade cobalt, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lb

Click here for Fastmarkets’ price assessment for alloy-grade cobalt, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lb

Click here for Fastmarkets’ cobalt methodology and specifications document.

Fastmarkets launched two reference prices for the cobalt hydroxide market in February this year and is proposing to amend the specifications from October. Click here for details.

September 27, 2019
Alloy-grade – $18-18.50
Large tonnage sold at $17.95 (offgrade)
Large tonnage sold at $18.10
Material reported sold at $17.50-17.80
Offer for small tonnage at $18.80
Offer for small tonnage at $19
Prices indicated at $18.10-18.70
Prices indicated at $18-18.50
Small tonnage sold at $17.75

Standard-grade – $17.60-18.10
Large tonnage reported sold at about $17.90
Material reported sold at $17.45
Material reported sold at $17.80
Offer for large tonnage at $18.20
Offer for small tonnage at $17.95
Offer for small tonnage at $18
Offer for small tonnage at $18
Offer for small tonnage at $18-18.10
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.90
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.95
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.15
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.50
Offer for standard tonnage at about $18.10
Offer for standard tonnage at about $18.15
Prices indicated at $17.60-18.10
Prices indicated at $17.85-18.35
Prices indicated at $18.20
Small tonnage reported sold at $17.75
Small tonnage reported sold at about $17.90
Small tonnage sold at $17.50 (material outside Fastmarkets’ specifications)
Standard tonnage reported sold at about $18.25
Standard tonnage sold at about $18.10

September 25, 2019
Alloy-grade – $18-18.50
Large tonnage sold at $17.75 (offgrade)
Large tonnage sold at $18.05
Large tonnage sold at about $18.45 (forward)
Material reported sold at $18.45 (forward)
Material reported sold at $19
Offer at $18.75 (forward)
Offer for large tonnage at $18.25
Prices indicated at $17.90-18.70
Prices indicated at $18
Prices indicated at $18-18.50
Prices indicated at $18-19

Standard-grade – $17.60-18.10
Bid at $17.65
Bid at $18
Bid for standard tonnage at $17.60
Bids at $17.50-17.70
Offer at $17.75
Offer at $17.75-18
Offer at $18
Offer at $18.25
Offer at $18.50
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.60
Prices indicated at $17.40-17.70
Prices indicated at $17.50-18
Prices indicated at $17.50-18
Prices indicated at $17.60-18.30
Prices indicated at $17.75-18.40
Small tonnage sold at $17.75
Small tonnage sold at $17.85
Small tonnage sold at $18.75
Standard tonnage reported sold at $17.50
Standard tonnage sold at $17.85

September 20, 2019
Alloy-grade – $17.70-18.50
Large tonnage sold at $17.95
Offer at $17.25 (off-grade)
Offer at $18.50
Offer at $19.75
Offer at $20 (forward)
Prices indicated at $17.75-18.50
Small tonnage sold at $17.25 (off-grade)
Small tonnage sold at $17.65 (off-grade)
Small tonnage sold at $17.75 (off-grade, forward)
Small tonnage sold at about $17.70
Standard tonnage sold at $17.75

Standard-grade – $17.40-18.10
Bid at $17.50
Offer at $17.25
Offer at $17.50 (off-grade)
Offer at $18.10
Offer at $18.50
Offer at about $18
Prices indicated at $17.25-18.10
Prices indicated at $17.50-18
Prices indicated at $17.60-17.75
Prices indicated at $18
Small tonnage sold at $17.50
Standard tonnage sold at $17.40
Standard tonnage sold at $17.65
Standard tonnage sold at $17.75

September 18
Alloy-grade – $17.50-18.50
Bid at $17.50
Bid for standard tonnage at $17.30 (off-grade)
Offer at $17.50
Offer at $17.85
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.75 (off-grade)
Prices indicated at $17.25-18.40
Prices indicated at $17.45
Prices indicated at $17.50-18.50
Prices indicated at $18
Prices indicated at $18.50-18.60
Prices indicated at about $17.45-17.50
Small tonnage sold at $19.20

Standard-grade – $17.25-18.10
Bids at $17.40-17.50
Material reported sold at $16.20-16.30
Offer at $17.50
Offer at $17.50 (forward)
Offer at $17.75
Offer at $17.85
Offer for small tonnage at $17.90
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.85 (off-grade)
Offer for standard tonnage at $18
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.25
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.50
Offers at $17.80-17.85
Offers at $18-18.10
Prices indicated at $17.25-18
Prices indicated at $17.35
Prices indicated at $17-18
Small tonnage reported sold at $17.20-17.30 (less than minimum tonnage)
Small tonnage sold at $18.80
Small tonnage sold at about $18.65
Standard tonnage reported sold at about $17.90
Standard tonnage sold at $17.25
Standard tonnage sold at $17.45
Standard tonnage sold at $17.75
Standard tonnage sold at $17.90

September 13
Alloy-grade – $17.25-18.40
Large tonnage sold at $17.85
Offer for large tonnage at $18.50
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.90
Prices indicated at $17.25-18.40
Prices indicated at $17.50-18.50
Prices indicated at $17.65-18.50
Prices indicated at $18-19
Standard tonnage sold at $17.05
Standard tonnage sold at $17.25
Standard tonnage sold at $17.85

Standard-grade – $17-18
Bid for standard tonnage a $17.20
Bid for standard tonnage at $17.20
Bid for standard tonnage at $17.40
Offer for large tonnage at $18.50
Offer for small tonnage at $17.20
Offer for small tonnage at $17.90
Offer for small tonnage at $18
Offer for standard tonnage at $16.95
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.30
Prices indicated at $17
Prices indicated at $17.20-18
Prices indicated at $17.40-18.40
Prices indicated at $17.50-18
Prices indicated at $17.50-18
Prices indicated at $17-17.50
Prices indicated at $17-18
Prices indicated at $18
Small tonnage sold at $17
Small tonnage sold at $17
Small tonnage sold at $17.20
Small tonnage sold at $17.20
Small tonnage sold at $18.25 (less than minimum tonnage)
Standard tonnage sold at $17.40

September 11 
Alloy-grade – $17.25-18.40
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.85
Large tonnage sold at $20.50 (forward)
Large tonnage sold at $20.25 (forward)
Prices indicated at $17.50-18.50
Prices indicated at $17.25-18.50
Bid for large tonnage at $17
Large tonnage sold at $17.25
Prices indicated at $17.05-18.05
Prices indicated at $17.05
Bid for standard tonnage at $17.80
Standard tonnage sold at $17.85 (off-grade)
Standard tonnage sold at $18.40
Prices indicated at $18.50-18.90
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.35
Offer at $19.30
Bid at $17.50
Prices indicated at $17.80-19.30
Small tonnage sold at $18.30
Prices indicated at $17.75-18.50
Standard tonnage sold at $18.35
Prices indicated at $17.50-18.35

Standard-grade – $17-18
Bid at $17.30
Bid for large tonnage at $17.50
Large tonnage reported sold at $18
Offer for large tonnage at $17.50
Offer for small tonnage at $17.30
Offer for small tonnage at $17.50
Offer for small tonnage at $17.90
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.20
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.90
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.90
Offer for standard tonnage at $17-17.85
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.10
Prices indicated at $17.10-17.50
Prices indicated at $17.25-18
Prices indicated at $17.40-18.25
Prices indicated at $17.50-18.10
Prices indicated at $17-17.50
Prices indicated at $17-17.50
Prices indicated at $17-17.70
Prices indicated at $17-17.75
Prices indicated at $17-18
Prices indicated at $1750-18.25
Prices indicated at $18-18.35
Small tonnage sold at $17.60
Small tonnage sold at $17.85 (off-grade)
Small tonnage sold at $18
Standard tonnage sold at $17
Standard tonnage sold at $17.10
Standard tonnage sold at $17.30
Standard tonnage sold at $17.50
Standard tonnage sold at $17.60
Standard tonnage sold at $17.65

September 6
Alloy-grade – $17.05-18.35
Large tonnage sold at $16.70 (off-grade)
Large tonnage sold at $16.90 (forward)
Large tonnage sold at $17.15
Offer for large tonnage at $19.50
Offer for standard tonnage at $18.50
Prices indicated at $17.05-18.05
Prices indicated at $17.25-18
Small tonnage sold at $17.25
Small tonnage sold at $17.90
Small tonnage sold at $18.05 (less than minimum tonnage)
Standard tonnage reported sold at $17.50
Standard tonnage sold at $17.05
Standard tonnage sold at $17.50
Standard tonnage sold at $18.35

Standard-grade – $16.80-17.50
Bid at $16.50
Bid at $16.80
Bid at $16.80-16.90
Offer at $16.80
Offer at $17
Offer at $17.10-17.20
Offer at $17.65
Offer for large tonnage at $17.15
Offer for standard tonnage at $16.95
Offer for standard tonnage at $18
Prices indicated at $16.65-17.30
Prices indicated at $16.65-17.50
Prices indicated at $17
Prices indicated at $17
Prices indicated at $17
Small tonnage sold at $18.50
Standard tonnage sold at $16.65
Standard tonnage sold at $17.10
Standard tonnage sold at $17.15
Standard tonnage sold at $17.50

September 4
Alloy-grade – $17.05-18.05
Bid at $18
Large tonnage sold at $18.05
Offer at $15.85 (forward)
Offer at $16.50
Offer at $17.85-18.20
Offer at $18.30
Offer for large tonnage at $18.50
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.10
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.60-17.70
Offers at $18-18.50
Prices indicated at $16.50-17.50
Prices indicated at $17.25-18
Prices indicated at $17-17.50
Prices indicated at $17-18
Prices indicated at $17-18
Prices indicated at $18-18.50
Small tonnage sold at $16.50
Standard tonnage reported sold at $16.50 (off-grade)
Standard tonnage reported sold at $18.50

Standard-grade – $16.65-17.50
Bid at $17
Bid at $17.20
Bid for standard tonnage at $16.65 (off-grade)
Large tonnage sold at $16.70-16.80
Material reported sold at $17.90-18
Offer at $17
Offer at $17.80-17.85
Offer for large tonnage at $17.50
Offer for small tonnage at $16.75 (material outside Fastmarkets’ specifications)
Offer for standard tonnage at $16.65
Offer for standard tonnage at $16.75 (off-grade)
Offer for standard tonnage at $17
Offer for standard tonnage at $17
Offer for standard tonnage at $17.10
Offer for standard tonnage at $18
Prices indicated at $16.50-17.50
Prices indicated at $16.50-17.50
Prices indicated at $16.50-17.50
Prices indicated at $16.50-18
Prices indicated at $16.70-17.50
Prices indicated at $16.80
Prices indicated at $17-17.75
Small tonnage sold at $16.65
Small tonnage sold at $16.65
Small tonnage sold at $17.80
Standard tonnage sold at $16.50 (material outside Fastmarkets’ specifications)
Standard tonnage sold at $16.85