PRICING NOTICE: Metal Bulletin cobalt prices

Metal Bulletin is expanding its international cobalt metal price offering, and is opening up a further proposal to the cobalt market for consultation.

Metal Bulletin is expanding its international cobalt metal price offering, and is opening up a further proposal to the cobalt market for consultation.

1. Until January 1 2015 at the earliest, Metal Bulletin will continue to publish international low-grade and high-grade cobalt prices, based on the transactions, bids and offers gathered by its pricing reporters, as it has done historically. From this date, it may continue to price cobalt in this way, or it may alter its price gathering system.

2. From January 2014, Metal Bulletin will begin a consultation that, from January 2015, may result in the following changes to its cobalt pricing system. For a trial period, Metal Bulletin will continue to publish low-grade cobalt metal prices on Wednesdays and Fridays, but is considering doing so solely on the basis of the London Metal Exchange prices. Click here for more information.

3. From February 7, 2014, Metal Bulletin will begin publishing premiums for three grades of cobalt. Click here for more information.

The Metal Bulletin team will be conducting a thorough consultation regarding proposal numbers 1 and 2. 

This notice marks the start of a period of consultation. Metal Bulletin representatives will be available to discuss the proposals at the Asian Ferro-alloys Conference in Hong Kong on April 1-3 and at the Cobalt Development Institute conference in Brussels on May 21-22.

We are also available to discuss the proposals in person at our offices in London and Shanghai.

To discuss the matter further, or to organise a meeting please contact Fleur Rtizema
Fleur Ritzema
Twitter: FleurRitzema_MB 

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