Correction to Fastmarkets’ price assessment for cadmium 99.99%, cif global ports

Fastmarkets has corrected its price assessment for cadmium on December 16, 2022, following a reporter error.

Fastmarkets’ price assessment for cadmium 99.99% min, cif global ports has been corrected to 185-198 cents per lb, having initially been left stable at 185-195 cents per lb.

The error occurred because a data point relating to confirmed business submitted during the pricing window was missed.

Fastmarkets’ pricing database has been updated to reflect this correction.

For more information, to provide feedback on this correction notice or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to this price, please contact Janie Davies by email at Please add the subject heading ‘FAO: Janie Davies: cadmium assessment.’

To see all Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, please visit this link.

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