Amendment to cut-to-length plate specifications: pricing notice

Fastmarkets will amend its steel cut-to-length plate carbon grade, fob mill US assessment to exclude material below 0.375in thick, which is sold by several major mills at an additional cost.

The amended specifications for the weekly assessment will be as follows:

MB-STE-0172: Steel cut-to-length plate carbon grade, fob mill US, $/cwt 
Quality: ASTM A36 Commercial Steel and corresponding grades, 0.375–2in thick x 48-72 in wide x 96-288 in long
Quantity: Minimum 50 tons
Location: FOB US mill, excluding Pacific states (Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska and Hawaii) as defined by the US Census Bureau
Unit: USD per hundredweight
Publication: Weekly, Tuesday
Notes: Raw material surcharges included, standard packaging

The consultation period for this proposal began on Friday March 17 and ended on Monday April 17. The change will be effective as of the weekly assessment on Tuesday April 25.

To provide feedback on this change, or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to this assessment, please contact Zack Miller by email at: Please add the subject heading: “FAO: Zack Miller re: US CTL plate assessment.”

To see all of Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents go to

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