DS Smith announced a Euro 60/tonne price increase for European customers, with stable RCCM production costs and rising old corrugated container prices, while UKL prices surged across Europe except in the UK, hinting at potential hikes and market fluctuations.

There have been challenges with high recovered paper costs and sluggish demand from China, while fine paper prices saw modest increases driven by higher shipping costs, impacting both local and Chinese markets.

A low-carbon world will still need steel that can satisfy the diverse demands of a variety of downstream sectors, Frederik Leus, of ArcelorMittal’s Xcarb Business Development section, said in an address to Fastmarkets’ International Iron Ore and Green Steel Summit, being held in Vienna, Austria, on June 25

Amid inflation pressures, the North American pulp and paper market is seeing significant hikes in containerboard prices, underscoring the critical importance of price data in the industry

The June construction startup of a new steel plant in Deacero’s complex in Ramos Arizpe, in the northeastern Mexican state of Coahuila, will position the company to meet future demand for lower-carbon steel nationally and abroad, a Fastmarkets analyst said on Monday June 17

Extreme weather phenomenon, including catastrophic hurricanes, is driving increasing adoption of metal roofing and therefore Galvalume, market participants said during a trade show in Florida

Tata Steel intends to continue with plans to close its blast furnaces at the Port Talbot Steelworks in Wales, and called for both of the UK’s major political parties to adhere to the terms of its plan to develop a lower-emissions electric-arc furnace-based steelmaking plant on the site, the firm said on Tuesday June 11

A “special action plan for carbon reduction” unveiled by China’s National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) will reduce the need for coking coal and iron ore by focusing on upgrading existing equipment and the switch to electric-arc furnaces, sources told Fastmarkets this week

Fastmarkets forecasts that global steel production will grow at an average annual rate of 1.4% through the end of the decade so ‘green’ steel production methods need to keep pace

The US steel industry’s preponderance of electric-arc furnace (EAF) capacity may be a double-edged sword when it comes to collecting green steel premiums, market sources have told Fastmarkets