Understand core cost considerations for your paper packaging procurement strategy

Graphite companies Nouveau Monde Graphite, Novonix and Westwater have all announced offtake agreements in a developing US anode supply chain to comply with that country’s generous subsidy scheme under the Inflation Reduction Act and to ease the current dependence on China for material, Fastmarkets heard on Thursday February 15

Traders have built up their presence in the lithium market in recent years; they see an opportunity in lower prices – after record highs set in 2022 – while the lithium industry aims to take advantage of an expected growth in demand spurred by the global energy transition

The London Metal Exchange is finding that when it comes to metal of Russian origin, and in particular aluminium, it can’t please all of the people all of the time.

Supply chain localization of the graphite industry is a trend that is expected to continue in 2024 amid ongoing geopolitical tensions and excess capacity in Mainland China, the major holder of the global anode supply. Challenges remain, however, sources told Fastmarkets

Volume of refined nickel exported by China soared in 2023, official customs data released on Monday January 22 shows, after new entrants in the refining business stepped up their sales efforts in the overseas market

Fastmarkets looks ahead to 2024 and beyond at some key developments for the battery materials market as the clean energy transition faces a challenging global economic and geopolitical backdrop

As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution accelerates, battery makers find themselves at the forefront of a burgeoning industry but an industry not without its challenges

As the demand for battery materials continues to grow, those in procurement are facing a huge challenge: making sure they can get a steady and reliable supply of battery materials

In the ever-expanding world of electric vehicles (EVs), industry players face three key challenges; securing a reliable supply of battery materials, determining the most cost-effective battery chemistry and navigating the impact of current price momentum on profit margins.