PRICING NOTICE: Cobalt pricing over Christmas, New Year holiday period

A reminder of Fastmarkets’ cobalt pricing schedule during the Christmas and New Year period.

Daily price assessments for cobalt metal published from London will be assessed and published as usual up to, and including, Thursday December 24. Prices will then be published as rollovers (using the December 24 assessment) during UK bank holidays and office closures until Monday January 4. This affects the following assessments:
Cobalt standard grade, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lb
Cobalt alloy grade, in-whs Rotterdam, $/lb

The twice-weekly (Wednesday and Friday) cobalt hydroxide payable indicator, min 30% Co, cif China will be assessed and published as usual up to, and including, Wednesday December 23. The indicator will be rolled over on December 25, December 30, and January 1 due to UK bank holidays and office closures. Payables will next be assessed on Wednesday January 6.

The weekly cobalt hydroxide index, min 30% Co, cif China will not be published on UK bank holidays (December 25, January 1), but will be published on the preceding working day: December 24 and December 31.

All cobalt price assessments published from Shanghai (cobalt metal, cobalt sulfate, cobalt tetroxide) will continue to be assessed and published as usual during this period.

For the full Fastmarkets minor metals, ores & alloys and industrial minerals coverage, click here.

If you have any queries please email Charlotte Radford ( and Susan Zou ( with the subject line “Cobalt holiday pricing schedule”.

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