Battery raw materials resource hub

Fastmarkets' toolkit for success in the battery raw materials market

Fastmarkets price data, insights and forecasts for the battery raw materials market help battery makers and automakers navigate this rapidly evolving landscape with confidence. Browse our resource hub to get more information on these products, including price data, forecasts and outlooks, as well as additional checklists and ebooks to complete your toolkit for success.

Select one of the images below to access more information on each of Fastmarkets’ battery raw materials products and services.
Checklists for battery raw materials market participants
As the battery raw materials market continues to evolve, you’ll be facing pressing challenges around ensuring a stable and secure supply, making strategic decisions that drive business growth and accessing concrete analysis on changes in the market. Whether you’re a procurement professional, a corporate development leader or an analyst, we’ve got three checklists to help you stay ahead in the fiercely competitive battery raw materials market. Select one of the images below to access the full checklist that matches your role.
Checklist for procurement professionals
Checklist for corporate development leaders
Checklist for analysts
How to drive business success with Fastmarkets insights and forecasts
Access two ebooks below to help both electric vehicle manufacturers and battery producers to make informed decisions, anticipate changes and gain a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving market.

With Fastmarkets, you’ll get the help you need to:

  • Optimize your supply chain by strengthening your purchasing strategy and inventory management
  • Plan for the future when the volatility of raw materials prices makes it difficult to secure supplies
  • Reduce price risks in your value chain with greater visibility over production
  • Learn more about creating sustainable battery material supply chains

Select one of the cover images to read the full ebook or get in touch to find out more about how Fastmarkets can help you. 

Learn more at one of our upcoming events

Fastmarkets’ battery raw materials events give you a front-row seat to one of the most dynamic and critical markets in today’s economy as we make the strategic transition to a low-carbon economy. Register for one of our upcoming events today.

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