Market-reflective price data to navigate the wood products market

News, forecasts, cost benchmarking and price reporting for thousands of commodities covering the wood products market

The wood products market is complex and volatile, influenced by logistics, supply chain, labor and housing market factors. Access to the latest and most market-reflective data is essential, not just an advantage. 

At Fastmarkets, we understand the challenges facing your business and offer comprehensive price data to keep you informed about lumber, timber, hardwood, or softwood prices and the broader economic factors impacting supply and demand. With access to transparent price data, you can easily navigate today’s market complexities, identify new opportunities, manage risks and refine your investment strategies for maximum returns.

Why choose Fastmarkets?

  • Access transparent, market-reflective pricing and news to manage risks and spot opportunities.
  • Plan confidently with long-term forecasts (5-15 years) supported by 50 years of historical data and short-term market analysis for a 1-2 year outlook.
  • Compare cost and performance benchmarks across 4,500 companies and 16,500 projects in the wood products sector.
  • Pricing data and news covering over 2,800 commodities and 80 sub-grades of forest products prices. 

RISI and Random Lengths are now part of Fastmarkets, one of the most trusted cross-commodity price reporting agencies and specialist cross-commodity experts for the global forest products, metals, and agriculture markets.

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Fastmarkets combines the commodity intelligence of these familiar names:

Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Palm Oil Analytics • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more