Understanding the benefits of direct lithium extraction with Amanda Hall from Summit Nanotech

Watch this video interview with Amanda Hall, the CEO of Summit Nanotech, as she discusses why there is such a focus on direct lithium extraction and the benefits of the process

In this video interview, we hear from Amanda Hall, the CEO of Summit Nanotech, as she explains why there is such a focus on direct lithium extraction (DLE) and how this process can be more environmentally friendly than other forms of lithium extraction.

Watch the full video interview with Amanda or read the key takeaways below.

Why is there such a focus on direct lithium extraction?

There’s a real focus on direct lithium extraction in the industry because the efficiencies of the old methodology of extracting lithium have come under question. With lithium demand rising – which it has been substantially rising with electric vehicle (EV) growth – we’re looking at the upstream production of lithium and asking ‘is there a better, faster, more efficient way to do this?’

The ways that we employ DLE processes are also more sustainable than the existing methodologies and so there’s an improvement in efficiencies, economics and sustainability all at the same time.

What are the biggest benefits to direct lithium extraction?

When speaking with customers, Summit Nanotech found that they said in the increase in yield when using DLE to extract lithium was one of the biggest benefits.

What are Summit Nanotech’s approaches to sustainability?

Summit Nanotech recently won the Solar Impulse Award for Sustainability and this meant a rigorous one-year examination of their process as well as specific metrics to hit. These included:

  • Lowering greenhouse gas emissions
  • A more efficient water recovery system
  • Reducing waste production.

This has resulted in Summit Nanotech lowering its operating expenditure, by not having to deal with dry stacking waste above ground and instead putting the spent brine back underground. This means not only supporting the aquifer but also managing the ecosystem from underground all the way to the surface.

Read more about unconventional lithium sources

While the need for more sustainable lithium production has thrust new resources like DLE into the limelight, it’s equally important to ensure that conventional sources are as efficient and sustainable as possible.

In a recent Fastmarkets report, battery raw materials analyst Jordan Roberts, explores the various unconventional lithium sources including geothermal brines and oilfield brines. In addition, the report gives market participants a more usable view of the opportunities and risks of these resources, that way they are able to understand what will come online in the next ten years.

You can read the full, free report when you click here, and also interact with six charts and figures to help you understand the scale and commercial value of unconventional lithium reserves.

Visit our dedicated battery raw materials page to discover more insights on the factors at play in the industry in 2022 and beyond. You can also read further insights on our dedicated page for lithium analysis.

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