The European Commission has confirmed that it will apply anti-dumping duties to Chinese biodiesel producers from August 16 this year, according to multiple sources

Early trade indications for renewable transport fuel certificates for the 2025 compliance year have surfaced for the first time, with initial bids suggesting values might be around parity or slightly discounted compared with current certificates

Germany’s UFOP highlighted a global rapeseed supply shortage, urging increased planting in 2025 to meet demand amidst reduced production forecasts.

News that Chinese investors are pumping billions of dollars of investment into the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) could re-write the dynamics around exports of used cooking oil (UCO), trade sources told Fastmarkets on Friday May 17

Dutch fuel supplier SkyNRG has released its latest sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) market outlook, forecasting substantial growth in SAF capacity and demand through 2050.

SAF is expected to provide about 65% of the carbon mitigation required for airlines to achieve net zero by 2050

Learn more about how SAF can generate more demand for agricultural products and economic benefits for farmers in the short-term

During Aemetis’ quarterly earnings presentation, CEO Eric McAfee highlighted the inadequacies of current US tax credits for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and emphasized the need to extend Section 40B.

Sustainable aviation fuels are seen by many as the answer to reducing carbon emissions. But how can the industry reach the high adoption targets set by policy makers, when supply is still lagging behind demand. In this analyisis, we look at production trends, supply sources and pricing patterns

The recent shift is supported by the country’s increased biodiesel blending mandate and there are moves to raise it further in the coming years