What’s behind your packaging price? Food and beverage paper packaging scenario models

Access cost model examples for paper packaging, including cereal boxes, beverage carriers, and drink cartons

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of paper packaging prices is crucial for food and beverage (F&B) manufacturers and retailers today. Limited transparency into the raw materials supply chain and what’s driving inflating packaging costs can greatly impact your company’s bottom line. 

Index builder models provide benchmarking features that track fluctuations in packaging costs against a market-reflective baseline. Whether your role involves sourcing, cost management, supplier relations, or contract negotiations, our innovative index builder tool can help you optimize your procurement processes and negotiate more effectively with suppliers. 

Fill out the form and explore scenario models tailored for F&B paper packaging needs. What you’ll find inside include:

  • Cereal box: Folding carton with overlap seal end
  • Beverage carrier: 6-pack basket
  • Drinks carton: Aseptic brick carton


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