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We continue to collect, analyze and forecast fundamentals data in the metals markets

Fastmarkets continues to collect, analyze and forecast fundamentals data in metals markets for our customers. We have numerous services that provide this data in data feed formats on production capacities and are integrated into our metals forecasting services. We can also provide this data on a bespoke basis and our consulting team would be delighted to talk to you about your needs and capabilities. 

These services cover short- and long-term outlooks on metals markets with 2-year and 10-year forecasts to support your business negotiations, as well as deep dives into market fundamentals with capacity views, demand analysis and regional flows. 

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What’s happening in metals and mining today?

Fastmarkets has corrected several ferrous metal weekly averages, which were published incorrectly on December 28.

China issued its first national standard for black mass material used in lithium-ion battery recycling on the final day of 2024, with market participants expecting that it will provide clearer guidance on importing the material into the powerhouse country, Fastmarkets heard on Friday January 10.

Fastmarkets has corrected its MB-CO-0005 cobalt standard grade in-whs Rotterdam price assessment, which was published incorrectly on Monday January 13, 2024, due to a reporter error.

How can we help you?

Our global team of over 200 price reporters provides over 900 global metal and mining prices

Metals markets move fast. Keep up and predict future trends with the Fastmarkets platform

Grow and protect your profits and insulate your business from volatility with the Fastmarkets risk management team

Fastmarkets’ metal events provide immersive experiences across the global metals markets

Delivered to you as the markets are changing from reporters embedded in the global metals markets

Get transparency into the market movements with our metals price forecasts and market outlooks

We recognize the importance of being clear about our price assessment and index process. Our independently audited pricing process aligns with core IOSCO principles. Find out how our price reporters and analysts assess and forecast prices in agriculture, forest products and metals

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