Mobile app

When you're on the move, our key prices go with you

Stay up-to-date wherever you are with our mobile app.
Built to keep you informed and ready to do business.

The Fastmarkets mobile applications for Android and iOS provide price data, price trends, and news wherever you are and whenever you need it. You can customize and configure views to get the data you care about most, in the visual structure that is best for you.

To download the latest version of the mobile app, click here.

See only what you need
Focus on the prices you care about by saving them into your own list for quick access while in a hurry
Focus on the prices you care about by saving them into your own list for quick access while in a hurry
Search and save prices
Lookup by keyword or symbol and add it to your home screen for convenience and speed

Wherever you need it
View latest price and price history whether your in the scrap yard or traveling across the globe

More ways to access the Fastmarkets platform

Build a personalized view of your markets to focus on the information most relevant to you

Instantly access prices for quotes or trades within your own company’s system and receive them seconds after our price reporters publish them

Integrate our price data with your own in Excel to generate your own reporting and analysis

We recognize the importance of being clear about our price assessment and index process. Our independently audited pricing process aligns with core IOSCO principles. Find out how our price reporters and analysts assess and forecast prices in agriculture, forest products and metals

Talk to us

Whether you’re interested in learning how to become a customer from our sales teams or looking to get in touch with one of our reporters, we’re here for you.

Speak to our team

Why use a price reporting agency?

Navigate uncertainty and make business decisions with confidence using our price data, forecasts and critical intelligence.

Learn more