Discover how Mexico’s containerboard prices are defying market expectations and starting to rise, offering insights into the global packaging industry’s dynamics. What could this mean for the industry?

How could the EUDR could reshape the future of the pulp and paper industry? In our recent Viewpoint article by European packaging director Alejandro Mata Lopez we explore the potential challenges and opportunities for the market and global trade

Discover how rising recycled content demands in the US are shaping the future of paper and board production, and the impact on old corrugated containers (OCC) prices

How will the Rio Grande do Sul floods affect Brazil’s containerboard market demand?

Learn how primary packaging preferences are shaping FMCG trends, as a new Elopak survey reveals UK and German shoppers’ preference for cartonboard packaging

Mexico shakes up the paper and packaging import scene with new tariffs, potentially altering trade dynamics across the globe

Prices for old corrugated containers (OCC) in Mexico were unchanged in April, with imported grades remaining stable month over month for the first time this year, Fastmarkets has learned. Prices for imported OCC held at $120-130 per ton. The firm pricing follows $10-per-ton increases in March and January as well as a $15-per-ton rise in February. […]

After reporting weak export volumes throughout 2023 as a result of the economic recession affecting important global markets, the latest food export statistics from Latin American countries are bringing relief for corrugated packaging producers in the region, sources told Fastmarkets. Interested in the latest developments and trends in the paper packaging industry? Speak to our team […]

With rising costs, food and beverages (F&B) companies are seeking more transparency to understand the nuances of packaging procurement. In this article we explore some of the factors shaping F&B sustainable and strategic packaging decisions.

Fastmarkets’ 2024 outlook for key raw materials and ingredients used in the production and distribution of fast-moving consumer goods