April biodiesel consumption grows compared to last year

Cellulosic and biomass-based diesel (D3 and D4) blending must expand to meet proposed mandates

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported 1.61 billion gallons of renewable fuel consumed during April, down seven percent from March but six percent above April 2021. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) credit generation of 1.7 billion RINs was seven percent below March but eight percent over April 2021. Reduced ethanol blending overshadowed increased consumption in the other “D” categories during April.

Biomass-based diesel (D4) consumption of 313.6 million gallons was two percent above March and 27 percent over April 2021. Within the D4 category, monthly biodiesel use increased 10 percent, renewable diesel consumption fell two percent, and renewable jet fuel blending was 89 percent lower.

April advanced biofuel (D5) blending of 12.8 million gallons edged one percent over March while RIN production was two percent higher. Increased renewable diesel and naphtha blending helped to lift the category during April.

The D6 conventional renewable fuel category, commonly referred to as ethanol production, fell nearly 11 percent to 1.1 billion gallons during April but was fractionally above April of 2021. Within the category, March ethanol blending was 10.6 percent below March while foreign generated D6 renewable diesel was 10 percent lower.

April cellulosic (D3) blending of 50.4 million gallons was 13 percent above March and 15 percent over April of 2021. Increased RNG blending and the re-emergence of cellulosic blending led the D3 category higher for the month.

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