Aluminium prices

Stay ahead of the curve with market-reflective aluminium price data, aluminium price charts for aluminium scrap to low carbon aluminium

Why use Fastmarkets' aluminium prices?

Get clarity into the ever-changing aluminium market with access to Fastmarkets’ market-reflective aluminium price data. Join the hundreds of companies globally who are already elevating their contract negotiations with our suite of reliable aluminium prices. Whether you buy, sell or trade in aluminium products, you can understand the forces driving the price of aluminium and minimize your exposure to risk with the right set of tools at your disposal.

Enhance your negotiations with our daily, weekly and monthly aluminium price assessments as price references in your contracts. Make smarter decisions that you can easily justify to the board with access to historical price data, customizable aluminium price charts and short- and mid-term forecasts for aluminum and related commodity markets.

Trusted worldwide, our price data is backed and accredited by IOSCO-compliant methodologies and combines the intelligence of industry-leading brands such as Metal Bulletin, American Metal Market, Scrap Price Bulletin and Industrial Minerals.

Stay connected to what’s happening in your market and give yourself that competitive advantage. Find out how our aluminium price data can help you make strategic decisions look easy. Find out more.

stack of aluminium metal pipes

Inform your strategic decisions with regular aluminium price updates

Aluminium price charts
Stay up to date with the hundreds of price charts and benchmark prices for the aluminium market. View our featured aluminium price charts below:
Aluminium premium in mixed market
Aluminium premium remains muted
Download our aluminium price short-term forecast sample today

Fastmarkets’ mission is to meet the market’s data requirements honestly and independently, acting with integrity and care to ensure that the trust and confidence placed in the reliability of our pricing methodologies is maintained.

Why use a price reporting agency?

Global metals and mining markets are going through a generational shift. The pull of decarbonization continues to shift raw materials strategies and supply and demand dynamics in favor of more sustainable materials.

The lingering effects of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine have created unprecedented price volatility, placing immense pressure on contract negotiations. Business as usual is anything but ordinary and the metal markets have become almost impossible to read.

By using a price reporting agency (PRA), you can:

  • Ensure that you have the prices you can use that reflect supply and demand conditions
  • Provide a reference for transactions in exchange-based contracts and trades
  • Give confidence to contract counterparties that the prices used are impartial
  • Improve efficiency when renegotiating contracts
  • Deliver instant and accessible data through an automated platform
  • Ensure trusted, critical short- and mid-term forecasts in a new generation of energy markets
Aluminium price data, forecasting and other products to help you

A trusted reflection of the aluminium markets, even at their most volatile

Price forecasts and analysis with an over 90% accuracy rating for the global aluminium industry

Learn how the Fastmarkets platform can help you navigate the fast-moving aluminium market

Grow and protect your profits and insulate your business from volatility with the Fastmarkets risk management team

Fastmarkets’ metals consulting is your partner in creating value and managing risk

Delivered to you from reporters embedded in the aluminium markets all over the world

View Fastmarkets aluminium prices
We provide aluminium price charts and analysis for the following prices. Click on the price to view the aluminium price chart.

Zorba 95/5, cif India, $/tonne

Aluminium scrap, old sheet (Taint/Tabor), HRB, 3-5% attachments, cif India, $/tonne

Aluminium scrap, mixed aluminium castings (Tense), 3-5% attachments, cif India, $/tonne

Aluminium scrap, old sheet (Taint/Tabor), cut sheared, 5-8% attachments, cif India, $/tonne

Aluminium scrap, cast wheels (Troma), cif India, $/tonne

Aluminium scrap, extrusions (Tata), 6063 cif India, $/tonne

Aluminium P1020A premium, low-VAT market, delivered São Paulo region, $/tonne

Aluminium P1020A premium, high-VAT market, delivered São Paulo region, $/tonne

Market-reflective prices, forecasts and insights for the global aluminium markets: Discover how the Fastmarkets platform can help you make better high-stake decisions for your business

Fastmarkets combines the commodity intelligence of these familiar names:

Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Palm Oil Analytics • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more