Food and beverage: Price data for the cereal industry

Unlock the key to raw material cost management for cereal producers and retailers

Your solution to managing costs, mitigating the risks that come with fluctuating raw material prices and navigating volatile markets  

Negotiating contracts with ingredients and packaging suppliers can pose several challenges for breakfast cereal producers and retailers.

Are you a senior decision-maker in the cereal industry responsible for negotiating contracts, managing relationships with vendors and sourcing suppliers? If so, you may find yourself assessing supplier capabilities, raw materials costs for ingredients such as corn, barley and wheat as well as packaging costs. Additionally, you’re tasked with negotiating terms and pricing to align with your company’s objectives.

We have identified two key challenges often faced by procurement or purchasing teams within your sector: price negotiation and market competition.

How Fastmarkets can help you
Fastmarkets’ FMCG suite is designed to address common challenges faced by manufacturers and retailers in the procurement and management of raw materials.

Price negotiation

One of the primary challenges is negotiating favorable pricing with suppliers. In a time when inflation is high, there’s increasing pressure to keep costs low while maintaining quality to remain competitive in the market. However, analyzing cost models for cereal boxes is difficult as these have to account for different prices, like packaging and ingredients costs, both subject to high volatility.

Fastmarkets arms procurement teams with insights to help them anticipate and hedge against price risk, understand and anticipate changing costs, and better manage supplier relationships.

Market competition

Multiple retailers offer different brands and types of cereal, making this a highly competitive market.

Negotiating contracts that provide a competitive edge, such as exclusive deals or favorable terms, can be challenging when faced with pressure from competitors vying for similar agreements.

Fastmarkets’ rich industry data sets offer access to accurate and verified price data for packaging and ingredients used for cereal production, such as wheat and corn, providing you with the competitive edge you need.

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Learn more about the products and services that make up Fastmarkets’ FMCG suite:

Breaking news and market-reflective commodity prices, even when markets are at their most volatile.

Commodities covered: Paper packaging, recovered paper, corn, wheat, soy and veg oils

Analysis of the forces moving your markets and how they’ll play out over the next 1-2 years.

Commodities covered: Paper packaging, recovered paper, corn, wheat, soy and veg oils

5- and 15-year forecasts underpinned by deep industry expertise, macroeconomic analysis and 50 years of historical data.

Commodities covered: Paper packaging, corn, wheat, soy and veg oils

Learn more about the 5,500+ prices we assess
Recovered paper, cartonboard, corn, wheat and veg oils are some of the most popular prices with our subscribers from the FMCG sector. We assess the prices you see below and hundreds more prices on a daily or weekly basis depending on their liquidity. We also provide short-term price forecasts for many key raw materials, including pulp and aluminium. We continue to expand our coverage to help you keep up with the changing needs of the consumer. We’ve recently launched North African wheat prices and added them to our FMCG suite. 

Looking for a specific price? Search our database for one of our 5,500+ prices

Why Fastmarkets

FCMG manufacturers have long relied on Fastmarkets’ price data, news and analysis to inform their procurement strategies, achieve win-win outcomes in negotiations with suppliers and manage price risk. 

  • Fastmarkets has more than 100 years’ experience in analyzing and pricing commodity markets.
  • We hold benchmark prices in aluminium, pulp, recovered paper and many other key materials.
  • We’ve got more than 500 team members worldwide, with price reporters on the ground in key markets, as well as analysts and editorial teams who are researching and reporting on shifting market dynamics. 

Packaging procurement professionals’ perspectives on supply challenges, creative packaging options, buyer-supplier relationships and more

Latest FMCG supply chain news

Our team of commodity market experts and price reporters provide weekly prices and market analysis for the fast-moving consumer goods industry.

Learn more about the self-imposed embargo that came into place after a confirmed case of Newcastle disease in Brazil.

Can the food export market and shifting consumer habits help sustain Brazil’s paper packaging sector, defying domestic challenges?

Brazilian soybean exports maintained a robust pace in July, surpassing last year’s figures, while corn shipments faced challenges in keeping up with demand.

In the 2023/24 marketing year, Russian wheat exports surpassed 55.4 million tonnes, driven by increased harvests and competitive prices, although restrained by government-mandated floor prices and shifting dynamics among exporters.

Germany’s UFOP highlighted a global rapeseed supply shortage, urging increased planting in 2025 to meet demand amidst reduced production forecasts.

DS Smith announced a Euro 60/tonne price increase for European customers, with stable RCCM production costs and rising old corrugated container prices, while UKL prices surged across Europe except in the UK, hinting at potential hikes and market fluctuations.

From price adjustments in the GCC to shifts in consumption patterns, learn what’s driving the latest Middle Eastern containerboard price movements in June

The start of the Black Sea region’s new wheat marketing year from Monday, July 1 offers an opportunity to look back on the previous marketing year and to focus on Ukraine’s experience and the effect that the self-declared humanitarian corridor has had on the country’s agricultural exports.

Black Sea sunflower oil prices have declined by 5% over the past 10 days after reaching season-high levels, trade sources told Fastmarkets on Thursday June 27

Fastmarkets combines the commodity intelligence of these familiar names:

Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Palm Oil Analytics • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more

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