Renewable diesel blending hits monthly all-time high of 169.6 million gallons

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported 1.52 billion gallons of renewable fuel was consumed during September

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported 1.52 billion gallons of renewable fuel was consumed during September, 7.2 percent below August blending but 3.2 percent over September 2021. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) credit generation was 1.7 billion RINs was five percent below August but six percent over September 2021.

US blending and domestic consumption

September Biomass-based diesel (D4) blending of 313.8. million gallons approached its highest level of the year.

April is the high point for the year at 313.85 million gallons. September blending was 9.5 percent above August and 28 percent higher year on year. Within the D4 category, biodiesel production fell four percent to 160.3 million gallons, coming off the four-month high reached in August. D4 Renewable diesel blending of 153 million gallons was 34 percent above August and 69 percent higher than a year ago.

Renewable jet fuel blending fell 80 percent to 393,571 gallons but was still 31 percent above a year ago levels.

Advanced biofuel (D5) blending climbed 10 percent, rising to 26 million gallons. Imports of sugar cane ethanol have been spotty this year but continued in September, helping to lift production higher.

D5 renewable diesel, also known as co-processed renewable diesel, increased two million gallons to 8.8 million; a high point for the year and up 30 percent from last month. LPG, also known as propane, was up 264 percent from last month to 644,107 gallons.

The D6 conventional renewable fuel category, widely referred to as ethanol, fell 11.3 percent to 1.12 billion gallons in September.

The D6 category houses both ethanol production and certain renewable diesel production that does not meet other D code requirements, September Ethanol production of 1.11 million gallons was 11.8 percent below August but was tempered by a 294 percent increase in renewable diesel blending (7.7 million gallons).

The cellulosic (D3) category saw overall blending fall six percent to 57.7 million gallons in September. This was 16 percent over September of 2021. RNG blending of 57.6 million gallons was 6.2 percent below August, while cellulosic ethanol blending of 143,328 gallons was fractionally higher.

Total biodiesel and renewable diesel consumption during September, which includes blending within the D5 and D6 fuel codes as well as the D4 code, was 330 million gallons; 12.5 percent above August and 28 percent over September of 2021.

Biodiesel blending was 160.3 million gallons vs 169.6 million gallons of renewable diesel.

Domestic production and imports

Domestic biodiesel production totaled 160.3 million gallons in September, four percent below August.

Biodiesel imports of 19.1 million gallons were seven percent below August.

Domestic renewable diesel production hit 127.5 million gallons, 34 percent above July and reaching the second-highest monthly total on record.

Renewable diesel imports jumped 151 percent to 42.1 million gallons.

Total September renewable fuel blending was seven percent below August but three percent higher year on year. RIN generation was five percent below August but six percent higher year on year.

Nine months into the year, 14 billion gallons of renewable fuel have been consumed, generating 15.6 billion RFS credits. The EPA made prior month adjustments to May, June, and August production.

These adjustments added three million gallons of renewable fuel and 3.4 million RINs.

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