The USDA’s latest report shows US corn crop ratings at 65% in good-to-excellent condition, surpassing analyst expectations, while soybean ratings slightly declined.

Australian wheat exports picked up by 19% in July after a drop in June, led by significantly increased shipments into Indonesia and Yemen, while barley and canola flow dropped, according to monthly data from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), published on Friday September 6.

French soft wheat conditions declined by 1 percentage point in the week to August 12, according to a weekly report released by farm agency FranceAgriMer on Friday August 16.

Russia’s wheat export volumes from Black Sea ports were stable in the week ended Friday, July 26 compared with the previous week, at 574,653 tonnes, a Fastmarkets analysis of port line-up data showed.

The start of the Black Sea region’s new wheat marketing year from Monday, July 1 offers an opportunity to look back on the previous marketing year and to focus on Ukraine’s experience and the effect that the self-declared humanitarian corridor has had on the country’s agricultural exports.

The Ukrainian Grain Association estimated the 2024/25 crop of oilseeds and grains in Ukraine at 74.6 million tonnes, down by 2% from the initial forecast of 76.1 million tonnes in March.

Morocco and Algeria faced challenges with wheat and barley production due to drought conditions, leading to below-average forecasts

Chinese buyers are showing strong demand for barley and corn, with significant purchases from France, Australia, and Ukraine

The boost to the outlook is due to higher than expected yields and larger planted areas, compared to the drought-affected 2022/23 year

Soybean, spring wheat, corn and barley crops progress under milder temperatures